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Dudley, Homer, January 20, 1947.

Revision as of Dec 24, 2014 3:14:31 AM, created by

2. is essential, it is a minimum, it is not of academic or do-gooder type, it is realistic rather than dreaming idealistic, it gives the minimum base for all we need in world government, it can be extended or copied if later found useful, it does stress the real purpose of world government, it is intensely [earthy?], understandable by the common man with out the usual political double talk and propaganda. Russia's omission initially worries me none at all. She will be bound by her own interest to come in later as was Rhode Island in our own federation. The important thing is TIME. If Russia won't enter this plan now she won't enter any other cooperation either but will continue to plan world conquest by Communism, so we lose nothing by going on without her. but we stand to gain enormously for if we build a world government even she will inevitably by force of circumstance enter it tardily. But if we wait, she will by 5-year plans build