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Dixon, Mary Louise, June 13, 1946.

Revision as of Nov 21, 2014 10:52:06 AM, created by

9 Mount Pleasant Street Biddeford, Maine June 13th 1946 Dear Mr. Einstein: Here enclosed another $10.00 for your splendid and selfless fight ..... "Thou art the "stone" upon which I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."..... Never any privation, I fell, has been more blessed and endowed with power... Here enclosed some items in relation to Mr. [Ickes?]' speech in Chicago last night. (Very good!) I don't know if you recall Count Storza's book (excerpt here enclosed) but his relation of Mussolini's rise bears an unmistakable resemblance with Col. Peron's of today and our "appeasers", who want to bring Peron "back to his senses"....... I am very much afraid for our children.... May God grant you strength! Your Mary L. Dixon