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deLappe, Russel G., June 30, 1947.


Revision as of Apr 22, 2015 9:17:39 AM, created by

Russell Guerne deLappe Architect, A.I.A. June 30, 1947 JUL 2 RECD $2.00 Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Gentlemen: It was good to receive your letter of June 25 annoucing the publication of your bulletin. It served to remind me of a resolution I made several days ago. In a recent issue of the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE comment was made in the editorial columns stating how important it is for the public to render financial assistance to your effort, whether the amount contributed be small or large. Upon reading the article, I resolved to send a contribution to your worthwhile and noble work. The enclosed carbon of a letter is self-explanatory and, in order not to burden you more than necessary in this respoect, you can refer to the marked items which I believe are pertinent to the work you are doing. Yours sincerely, [signature] Russell G. deLappe RGD/bb encl. Hotel Claremont Bldg. Berkeley 5, Calif. THornwall 8822