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Day, Frances C., October 25, 1946,.


Revision as of Apr 22, 2015 7:11:22 AM, created by

mailed Oct 25 Transfer Office Syracuse, N.Y. rec'd Oct 28 -Orig- to H.L.O. COPY Forbush Farm Martin Street South Acton, Mass.

Oct. 25th 1946

Dear Professor Einstein, Thank you for your very kind letter of October 16th, which I read just after mailing my last letter to you. I am sorry that my husband and I will be unable to accept your very kind invitation to the luncheon and tea on November 17th, as I am planning to leave for California on Nov. 10th. It hurts me keenly to have troubled you by my last letter. But I felt obliged to write as I did. I feel terribly afraid that the scientists have been ill-advised in the matter of attempting to raise a million dollars. I am afraid that in appealing to the moneyed element of the country some sacrifice of principle will be made. Please understand, that my faith in you and the scientists has not changed. But I have grave fears about the realization of your hopes--and those of the many small contributors who are praying for peace. I suppose I have no legal right to ask the Committee to return my contribution. Very well, then I shall define my understanding of the phrase "a new type of thinking" and I shall respectfully warn the committee that their policy has already been defined in the May telegram. (insert) (As you remember, the telegram referred to the blindness of those in high places to the danger we face and the need for a new type of thinking.) My definition of "a new type of thinking"-- or rather, the implementation of it,-- would be: either, 1. Support of a full world government, (which concept is new, and essentially Christian) or, 2. Support of Henry Wallace's plea for friendly, fair-dealing with the Russians, (which concept is also new, because it is Christian--and we have not yet behaved as Christians.) I believe that application of the Golden Rule -- implementation of it -- is all that can save the world. Unless we strike for this principle, our time, effort, and money will be wasted. I am afraid that the State Department policy is largely instigated by conservative, among them those extremists who really want war, and also those who believe that war is inevitable. Baruch asks too much and offers too little. If the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, (or the C.A.I.) should decide to switch