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David, Louis E. Jr., June 17, 1948.

Revision as of Nov 18, 2016 6:53:16 PM, created by

Jun 19 Re[g?c?] Louis E. David Jr., Furniture

12 South 12th Street Philadelphia 7, Penna. Telephone Lombard 3-7781 June 17, 1948

Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc., 118 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J.

Dear Mr. Einstein:

Enclosed find my check for two hundred dollars as a contribution toward the Fund which your Committee of Atomic Scientists are raising as per your letter to me of June 12th. I am entirely in accord with the aims of your Committee.

The following is entirely irrelevant to and aside from the above but it occurs to me that this would be a good time to inquire about a matter that has been on my mind for some time. For many years I have understood that our family was related to you and yours. I have never been able to quite understand how as most of the older members of my family who might have been able to explain this are extinct. As far as I can find out, and I am hoping that either you or your sister can help me on this, the relationship is through my maternal grandmother, who was a Winelander. If this doesn't give you a clue, I believe her mother's name, that is, my great-grandmother on my maternal side, was Goodman. The Winelanders originated in a town called (at least it sounded like this to me) Schopsloch, in, I think, Bavaria. The family came over here, that is the Winelanders, some time between 1845 and 1850. If this still does not help you in tracing the relationship I might add that we are related to the Sulzbergers here in Philadelphia in the same way, that is, through my maternal grandmother.

I trust that either you or your sister will be able to settle my mind on this matter and hope this finds you in the best of health.

Cordially, Louis E. David, Jr.