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Crump, James I. Jr., No Date.


Revision as of Feb 13, 2015 5:50:36 AM, created by

or its equivalent, go off, you can't believe that there can be any more destructive force. Suffice it to say that we felt the need for teaching people just what kind of a force they were handling and just what it could mean, to let them see that there is nothing impossible about the complete eradication of a planet the size of earth if you go about it in the right way. Jack was fairly well equipped to go directly about doing the teaching, he is an artist, and an excellent one. I am not so fortunate. I write, and I have written, but my specialty is Chinese. When we got back to the States Jack went directly to a department of the government which was concerned with the dissemination of the type of information we both felt so desparately needed. I went with him and to our intense disgust found that we were informing the powers (including a Congressman and his associates) that E equaled mass times the speed of light squared, and that this fact could be read in the Smythe report. I went to the State Dept. to the Auxilliary Foreign Service Personnel Bureau as soon as I was discharged, thinking that someone who knew Chinese and who at least had a healthy fear of what another war would mean might be of some use. I was discouraged to find that I could be considered just as useful as someone who had a high-school knowledge of French, as there was no was of knowing that I would be sent to China or Bulgaria. Jack and I both retired to education while we licked our wounds and tried to get the whole thing straight in our minds. The only trouble was that we couldn't get it straight because we watched newsreels of the Bikini tests and then outside the theatre we'd hear some joker happily remark,