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Crockett, C.L. Jr., January 6, 1948.

Revision as of Nov 6, 2014 5:55:43 PM, created by

515 No [myers?]

Burbank, Calif.

Jan 6, 1948

Dear Professor Einstein,

Enclosed is a paper that I think will interest you. I call your attention to page 3 the article "Later than We Think" by Rear Admiral Richard [E.?] Byrd.

I have received much of your literature on Atomic Energy control and appreciate the wisdom that you have and the thought of educating the public to our present and future dangers.

Year before last I was on a committee to study the problem of Atomic Energy and educate our Engineers & Architects association of So Calif. on the latest development in it.

I believe that the moral [Rearrangment?] group or more corectly movement is bringing the real answer to Atomic Energy in the ways that Admiral Byrd mentions. This movement is uniting ordinary people and statesmen all over the world for united team work among people and nations based upon Christian principles and the fact that human nature can change.

Yours sincerely

C.L. Crockett Jr.

Stress Engineer

The enclosed $1 is to cover expenses of [letering?] you have sent me in the past.
