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Cox, M.D., July 9, 1946.

Revision as of Oct 23, 2014 4:16:30 PM, created by

that book had been the favorite reading of the Russians for several years, and the realities it dealt with their daily life. Let us go very patiently, very carefully with Russia. Let us show her not only understanding, but a little love. We shall have to work very hard on this, as those who work for war against her are so strong.
Similarly with Britain in her new socialist phase, though the problem is different. But all in all, it is those who hate planning, and any change in human government, who will be the chief opponents of your plan. Greed--complacency--and ignorance.
It isn't two hundred thousand dollars you need, but two billion. I think you can get it. it's going to mean counter-acting every advertisement of luxuries, every soap opera, every bit of national glorification, nearly every newspaper editorial. It means pounding at listeners who think atomic bomb tests are circuses, and spy stories are fun. (I say "listeners" because I am in radio myself.) And it doesn't mean rigidly supporting the Baruch plan for international control, but advocating give and take, perhaps more giving than anything else on the part of America, until a plan is worked out that all can accept.
So here is my $5 bill to let you know "the scientists are not alone. When you really go after the two billion I'll raise my contribution. Incidentally, please don't use my letter---not that it's worth anything--but at present I can't afford to have my name in print. If you really get started on something big, this is subject to change too. Good luck!

Mary Dorothea Cox
M. D. Cox