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Clark, Marie Whitbeck, February 12, 1948.


Revision as of Sep 18, 2014 10:48:39 AM, created by

888 Winton Road North Rochester 9, N.Y. February 12, 1948. Dear Miss Ray: I continue to talk to people about Dr. Einstein's Committee. The reason I have not sent you a list of possible contributors from Rochester is because almost everyone I have talked to has made a donation to the project. Mr. Lilienthal is constantly urging that more publicity be given the problems and potentialities of atomic energy. Is your Committee co-operating with him? Many people have asked me what has been done with the money so far collected. I do not know what reply to make. I think it important to make some public announcement in this respect, don't you? Not that there is any element of distrust, but people do like to know what is being done in a cause that is so urgent and to which they have made a contribution. It would also encourage others to help if there is further need, and I am sure there must be. Wasn't that an interesting write-up in the New Yorker about the Olympic Delicatessen. I sent him a note of warm approval. A few million men like him could move mountains. With so many good wishes to you and for the splendid work you are doing, I am Sincerely yours Marie Whitbeck Clark Marie Whitbeck Clark (Mrs. E. Payson Clark)