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Chidley, Howard J., October 4, 1948.

Revision as of Apr 22, 2015 8:37:04 AM, created by

First Congregational Church Howard J Chidley, D.D. Winchester, Mass. October 4, 1948 Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 118 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Dear Sirs: I am inclosing herewith a check for $5. from Mrs. Chidley, and a check for $50. from the Missionary Committee of The First Congregational Church, of Winchester, Massachusetts. I sent my own subcription last spring. May we make a request of your committee. If you could send us 200 copies of "Don't Resign From the Human Race" we should be very glad to distribute it in our church. It is a highly important document. Very sincerely yours, Howard Chidley HJC/jes incls. 10-11-48 literature sent P.[I.?]