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Boyd, Rev. Ward, December 12, 1946.

Revision as of May 10, 2016 1:15:57 PM, edited by

Rev. Ward Boyd The First Presbyterian Church, Second Avenue North and Eighth Street, Fargo, North Dakota $5.00 Ward F. Boyd. D. D. Pastor Miss Leone Toohey Church Secretary December 12, 1946 Dr. Albert Einstein, Princeton, New Jersey Dear Dr. Einstein: I am herewith enclosing a contribution of $5.00 for the use of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. This comes, in part, as the result of a suggestion made to our men of this Church at their monthly dinner last Monday evening when Dr. Daniel Q. Posin, the head of the Physics Department of the North Dakota Agricultural College spoke to us on the subject of Atomic Energy for humanity. Instead of accepting any financial remuneration for his address, he suggested that any contribution we wished to make should be sent to you. I trust that the hoped for goal of one million dollars which your Committee desires for educational purposes, will be reached. With warm greetings of the Season, I remain, Sincerely yours, Ward F. Boyd w f b l t * Enc.