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Bell, A.J.A., November 20, 1947


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20 Nov. 1947


Dear Mr UREY,

Thank you for yours of the 10th inst.Ihave not answered it before this because Iexpect to have a call to SASKATCHEWAN in connection with spotting more OIL WELL SITES.

We are about to drill a real Wild cat test in central SASK. about 90 miles East and South of LLOYDMINISTER which is on the western border of SASKATCHEWAN-ALBERTA. There is as you are perhaps aware, much OIL development going forwards and all your major outfits are on the job (U.S.A)

This test we are drilling will be into the Devonian at 2500 ft or more.The HUSKY REFINERY CO of LLOYD are going in with us and have put up plenty of funds.They went in with us on the strength of their findings through SOIL SURVER methods.We on DIVINING alone, this area I located completely out of the Blue"as we were driving through the country about 2 years since.We had another DOODLEBUGGER on the job too and all agree there is major OILVIBRATION.Results make me personally responsible and will determine my use and worth to the world.Iam severe on myself and have no place or patience in NEAR stuff.It must always be YES OR NO.

In the event of this being over the top job Iintend to get in touch with you fellows as Ishall then be in the category of a mighty useful human in this Atomic Age, because Ibelieve in blowing things to pieces when conditions have gotten intomsuch a disgraceful state as we witnesss around us to day.Jumnity does not merit much more sympathy,those who have had a better living are the types Irefer to.They must be eliminated from any more meddling or part in world affairs.Therefore Iagain suggest to DR.EINSTEIN youself and your associates on the board of the E.C. OF Atomic Scientists to consider the following.

An immediate test of your latest creation in Energy on a mountain in the Antartic Areas. The world requires MORE CONFIRMATION that you HAVE and CAN prove a far greater FORCE than you Herishomia job.Otherwise they are not impressed with all this talk of more powerful explosives.Give them a demonstration with FULL DATA after, with NO SECRET HUSH HUSH STUFF and them see the effect.If a salutary lesson has been given much Good can result right at this time.

This test must be in complete secrecy all records taken and then made public.

I am hoping some day erelong to run into HELIUM GAS with high Uranium content for Iam strongly impressed with my statement that "OIL IS THE KEY TO ATOMIC ENERGY".

Iwill bring along some records that will impress you should I get the opportunity to vist Princeton in the near future.

Bit I have to have far more funds than at present Ican lay hands. Thank you for placing me on your mailing list for the BULLETIN. It will fulfil a useful place here.Few people however seem to understand the situation.Victoria is very backward and does not desire the NEW AGE vision it would almost appear.But one good enthusiast can do some part.

Sincerely Yours, A.J.A.BELL [signature]