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Belden, Mary Megie, March 27, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 7, 2014 12:40:33 PM, created by

March 27, 1947 Miss Megie Belden 361 West First Street Elmira, New York Dear Miss Belden: Dr. Einstein has asked me to express to you his sincere thanks for your generous contribution to the work that he and his colleagues have undertaken. They value not only your financial support but also the hope for a reasonable solution to this immense problem which it expresses. In answer to your question, I am happy to be able to inform you that Dr. Einstien's article, "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" has been translated into several of the leading languages of the world, other than English, and that movements have been started in several countries outside our own. This is a problem which rightly concerns all of us, for unless the intelligent people of the entire world are enlisted in the fight for the peaceful use of atomic power, our efforts will be in vain. You probably know that most of the leading atomic scientists of every nation are behind this drive, and keep in close touch with those here in America, as much as is possible. Russia, of course, as you mentioned in your note, is perhaps the most difficult and recalcitrant nation at the moment. God grant that a sane solution and adequate cooperation will ensue. Enclosed is the Committee's official receipt for your gift, and a Statement of Purpose which will give you a fuller picture of the Committee's plans and program Sincerely yours, Mary E. Ray Secretary to the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists MER: e