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Baily, Harold James, January 21, 1947

Revision as of Jul 11, 2016 6:47:24 AM, created by

Harold James Baily Counselor At law 32 Liberty Street New York 5

January 21, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein Princeton, N.J.

Dear Dr. Einstein:

Probably no appeal has reached me which is any more important than your circular letter of January 20th which came today. I am enclosing my contribution. No doubt the response will be very widespread and the load will not fall too heavily upon shoulders already overburdened with immediate and local charitable appeals.

Years ago when you released news of your New Field Theory I cable to Germany and secured two copies. There I understand are first printings. I intended some day to ask you to inscribe these important leaflets for me. I believe they are somewhere in my files at home. I hope that you will be willing to let me send these to you carefully wrapped and by registered mail - with label and postage for their return to me - so that you may autograph them for me. If you are willing to do this please let me know using the enclosed stamped and addressed envelope.

Your message gives me the opportunity of congratulating you upon your great powers as a thinker and your immeasurable services to mankind.

Faithfully Yours, Harold J. Baily

hjb'lw Encl.

P.S.: Dean Christian Gauss and I are fellow-members of the Phi Beta Kappa Associates. He will no doubt remember meeting me at the Associates' recent annual dinner at which he made the principal address.