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Angell, Florence A., Miss, November 29, 1947

Revision as of Sep 10, 2014 10:00:35 PM, created by

306 East 51st Street New York 22, New York December 29, 1947 Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Inc., 90 [Nassau?] Street, Princeton, N. J.

Dear Sirs: I am enclosing a check as my small contribution to your educational campaign, in response to an appeal I received last spring. At that time, I could not contribute, but, with the thought that this was one appeal I did want to pay attention to, I have kept the blank on the "top of the pile" of the many I have since received. It is late, but not, I hope, too late to be of use. As a layman, I am pitiably confused on the subject of atomic energy, but I am sure it is a matter of paramount importance and I am eager to give what small support I can to the efforts of the scientists to direct things wisely; and I am sure that education is the way to make the mass of the people aware of their responsibility in this regard.

Very truly yours, Florence A. Angell