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Amos, M. L., Audiphone Company Dealer, December 13, 1946.

Revision as of Jun 8, 2017 6:01:54 AM, edited by

Audiphone Company M. L. Amos, Dealer Salina, Kansas Free Demonstrations Office: 622 So. 9th St. Day & Night Phone 3626 Western Electric Audiphone

Friday-Dec.13. 1946 Mr. Albert Einstein Emergency Com. of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Mr. Einstein: It is indeed with great pleasure that I learn that you scientists are organizing the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Inc. for the purpose of education with the view of diverting the use of atomic energy from that of distruction of civilization to that of benifiting humanity. I have hoped for months that the scientists would form an organization along these lines as I feel that they alone can save the world from its-self. Find enclosed my check for $25.00. I'll speak to some of my friends and show them your letter and possibly they may contribuite to this splendid cause. With best wishes I am very sincerely yours M. L. Amos P.S. Please send a few copies of your letter and circulars to Byron Hough, 911 W.Crawford, Salina, Kans. P.R. Krich, 415 W. Walnut, " " Wm. Beverlin, 122 1/2 N. Santa Fe., Salina, Kans. W.C. Fuller, 122 1/2 N. Santa Fe., " " John W. Clark, 221 S. 5th Ave, Bozeman, Mont.