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Altick, Richard D., December 18, 1947

Revision as of Sep 24, 2014 2:36:05 PM, created by

The Ohio State University Howard L. Bevis, President Columbus 10 Department of English

18 December 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N. J.

Gentlemen: Because I am profoundly convinced that no other appeal for funds deserves more public support than does yours, I am enclosing a small contribution toward the furthering of your campaign. Might I offer a humble suggestion? For some time I've been wondering just what form your effort for "atomic enlightenment" has been taking. Of course I read from time to time of your meetings at Princeton, your work among government leaders, and so on. But I've never seen any comprehensive report on you work. Would it not be a courtesy to your contributors to supply them at intervals with a summary of the various channels of communication you are using, the results you are obtaining, and the general progress of your campaign? Although I'm sure all of your contributors are satisfied that their money is being used wisely, it would give them added satisfaction to know more specifically how it is being used. And it might also offer them suggestions as to how they could carry on the good work in their own private capacities. Very sincerely yours, Richard D. Altick