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Field, Ada M., July 22, 1946.

Revision as of Oct 26, 2014 1:43:33 PM, edited by

Route 1, Guilford College, N.C. July 22, 1946

Dr. Albert Einstein Princeton University Princeton, N.J.

Dear Dr. Einstein: Enclosed please find check to be used for the work of the Association of Atomic Scientists.

I have long felt that scientists made a mistake in assuming that the world at large would make the best of scientific discoveries, and I am most happy that they are at last undertaking to help in the right use of scientific knowledge as well as in its discovery. I am only sorry not to be able to make a larger contribution.

You might be interested in knowing that Columnist Drew Pearson's article in today's newspaper called attention to the need of the Association for more funds, and so prompted my sending check today.

Very sincerely yours, (Miss) Ada M. Field