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Zwickel, Abraham, November 20, 1946

Revision as of Apr 3, 2015 12:03:44 PM
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Revision as of Apr 3, 2015 1:55:55 PM
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Broadcast No money Pacifist wants literature 1124 South Alvarado St. Los Angeles 6, California November 20th, 1946
[Broadcast... No money.. Pacifist wants literature]
Sholom Alachem, Peace be within thee, dear friend: In the Los Angeles Times of November 18th, 1946 we read with keen interest that obvious facts are accepted by scientists concerning the atomic bomb and its use as a weapon of destruction. And as pacifists the frank statement that "there is no solution to the problem except international control of atomic energy and ultimately, the elimination of war" is our belief as well. I address this note to you, Doctor Einstein for it was you, I believe, who encouraged
1124 South Alvarado St. Los Angeles 6, California November 20th, 1946
Sholom Alachem,
Peace be within thee,
dear friend:  
In the Los Angeles Times of November 18th, 1946 we read with keen interest that obvious facts are accepted by scientists concerning the atomic bomb and its use as a weapon of destruction.   And as pacifists the frank statement that "there is no solution to the problem except international control of atomic energy and ultimately, the elimination of war" is our belief as well.   I address this note to you, Doctor Einstein for it was you, I believe, who encouraged

Revision as of Apr 3, 2015 1:55:55 PM