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Rider, Nina J., June 18, 1947

Revision as of Jan 27, 2015 2:49:31 PM
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Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 3:12:49 PM
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925 - Grant Ave Lo. JUN 2 0 RECD Tacoma 6, Wash. June 18th 1947 Dear Sirs : - Enclosed please find self - addressed, stamped envelope for Albert Einstein's statements on atomic bomb. Thanking you! Yours very kindly, [Ninia?] O. Rider
                  JUN 2 0 RECD
925 - Grant Ave So.
  Tacoma 6, Wash.  
    June 18th 1947  
Dear Sirs : -  
    Enclosed please find self-addressed, stamped envelope for Albert Einstein's statements on atomic bomb.  
      Thanking you!  
        - Yours very truly,  
          Nina J Riden

Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 3:12:49 PM

                  JUN 2 0 RECD

925 - Grant Ave So.

 Tacoma 6, Wash. 
   June 18th 1947 

Dear Sirs : -

   Enclosed please find self-addressed, stamped envelope for Albert Einstein's statements on atomic bomb. 
      Thanking you! 
        - Yours very truly, 
          Nina J Riden