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Petersen, John E., January 29, 1947

Revision as of Mar 15, 2015 2:04:11 PM
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Revision as of Mar 15, 2015 2:07:56 PM
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     Dear Friends,
     Dear Friends,
   I am an old Norwegian pilot.  I sailed ocean and Great Lakes for 53 long years, and if I was to write a book about my experience, it would be a long one.  I been a fighter against Wars - and was arrested  in 1917 for distributing Socialist Literature  ?who from?  a free Methodist Preacher.  But I be at him out in a Federal Court in Bag City, thru Judge Tuttle.  The jury, was 11 for me and 1 against.  So you can see at that time, I had the majority, and it looks so that the majority will be with the poor working class - as nothing make capital only (labor).  ?why then do we kill that class?  I had two sisters, one 87 and one 69 years old, both of them robbed and killed - I am 83 years old, and left to fight the enemy.  My father was a barber by trade, my mother was a trained nurse died 103 years old 14 years ago.  My father died 54 years old thru over lifting , as he was a powerfull man, a violinist my grandfather, a composer and violinist (a school mate of Ole Bull) the great violinist at that time, and I also play the violin and won 13 Old Fidlers contests in Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois - and at present, I play when I get a job.  
   I am an old Norwegian pilot.  I sailed ocean and Great Lakes for 53 long years, and if I was to write a book about my experience, it would be a long one.  I been a fighter against Wars - and was arrested  in 1917 for distributing Socialist Literature  ?who from?  a free Methodist Preacher.  But I be at him out in a Federal Court in Bay City, thru Judge Tuttle.  The jury, was 11 for me and 1 against.  So you can see at that time, I had the majority, and it looks so that the majority will be with the poor working class - as nothing make capital only (labor).  ?why then do we kill that class?  I had two sisters, one 87 and one 69 years old, both of them robbed and killed - I am 83 years old, and left to fight the enemy.  My father was a barber by trade, my mother was a trained nurse died 103 years old 14 years ago.  My father died 54 years old thru over lifting , as he was a powerfull man, a violinist my grandfather, a composer and violinist (a schoolmate of Ole Bull) the great violinist at that time, and I also play the violin and won 13 Old Fidlers contests in Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois - and at present, I play when I get a job.  

Revision as of Mar 15, 2015 2:07:56 PM