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Fish, Elmer, April 29, 1948.

Revision as of Mar 28, 2015 12:09:38 PM
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Revision as of Mar 28, 2015 12:11:16 PM
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Dear Sir:
Dear Sir:
   Those people at Chicago of the Atomic Bulletin have me guessing.  On April 1, they sent a letter saying the sub. would open April - and confirmed the matter, naming the donor from Calif.  To date still no Bulletin - did they suspend publication?  I'm asking you first because, I want to show you this photograph of Mr. Einstein.  Think of it 1932!!  I unpasted it from my scrap book because it's a very excellent picture of him in days in which the U.S. was bothered mostly with widespread, almost total unemployment, which they could've dealt with for more effectively than they did, as a national disgrace.  1948. see's U.S. with a problem which daily seems farther from solution -- nurse maid and economic savior of the world ; and what an abbreviated statement this is of the complications, of which the A-bomb stands among top
   Those people at Chicago of the Atomic Bulletin have me guessing.  On April 1, they sent a letter saying the sub. would open April - and confirmed the matter, naming the donor from Calif.  To date still no Bulletin - did they suspend publication?  I'm asking you first because, I want to show you this photograph of Mr. Einstein.  Think of it 1932!!  I unpasted it from my scrap book because it's a very excellent picture of him in days in which the U.S. was bothered mostly with widespread, almost total unemployment, which they could've dealt with for more effectively than they did, as a national disgrace.  1948. see's U.S. with a problem which daily seems farther from solution -- nurse maid and economic savior of the world; and what an abbreviated statement this is of the complications, of which the A-bomb stands among top

Revision as of Mar 28, 2015 12:11:16 PM