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An open letter to Dr. Urey, August 29, 1946


Revision as of Apr 1, 2015 10:26:27 AM
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Revision as of Apr 1, 2015 10:26:41 AM
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We have in mind the appeal made on May 23, 1946 by Dr. Albert Einstein, as Chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Princeton, New Jersey.  From its text it would appear that you yourself, together with several other leading men of Science, endorsed Dr. Einstein in his fervid expression of the urgent need that exists today for changing “our modes of thinking”, and of establishing a “new type of thinking essential if mankind is to survive and move towards higher levels”.   
We have in mind the appeal made on May 23, 1946 by Dr. Albert Einstein, as Chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Princeton, New Jersey.  From its text it would appear that you yourself, together with several other leading men of Science, endorsed Dr. Einstein in his fervid expression of the urgent need that exists today for changing “our modes of thinking”, and of establishing a “new type of thinking essential if mankind is to survive and move towards higher levels”.   
It is hard to believe that your recent statement does justice to the objectives which your own collaborator, Dr. Einstein, had in view.  Do you really think that you have helped in promoting that “new type of thinking” which many of us have expected from the world of enlightened scientists, so as to counteract the arrogant conceit of swashbuckling militarism, and other exploitors of the human race?  Do you think that you have contributed this day to the raising of human thought to those “higher levels” envisioned by Albert Einstein and many others?
It is hard to believe that your recent statement does justice to the objectives which your own collaborator, Dr. Einstein, had in view.  Do you really think that you have helped in promoting that “new type of thinking” which many of us have expected from the world of enlightened scientists, so as to counteract the arrogant conceit of swashbuckling militarism, and other exploiters of the human race?  Do you think that you have contributed this day to the raising of human thought to those “higher levels” envisioned by Albert Einstein and many others?
We believe that the readers of your statement should receive from you some insurance that you did not mean just exactly what your
We believe that the readers of your statement should receive from you some insurance that you did not mean just exactly what your

Revision as of Apr 1, 2015 10:26:41 AM