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Wrenshall, Gerald A., June 23, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 12:45:51 PM
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Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 12:47:26 PM
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Toronto, Ont.,
Toronto, Ont.,
June 23rd, 1947
June 23rd, 1947
Professor A. Einstein,
Professor A. Einstein,
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc.,
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc.,
Line 7: Line 8:
Princeton, N.J.,
Princeton, N.J.,
Dear Professor Einstein:
Dear Professor Einstein:
Enclosed please find a contribution toward you campaign of education for the constructive uses of atomic information. I have taken the liberty of passing your communication on to my superior, Professor C. H. Best, and to a church group of which I am a member. I trust that additional help for your project will develop from these contacts.
Enclosed please find a contribution toward you campaign of education for the constructive uses of atomic information. I have taken the liberty of passing your communication on to my superior, Professor C. H. Best, and to a church group of which I am a member. I trust that additional help for your project will develop from these contacts.
I am interested in learning more of the educational program you are developing and what can be done to accelerate its progress, also whether other similar or related campaigns are developing in the same direction.
I am interested in learning more of the educational program you are developing and what can be done to accelerate its progress, also whether other similar or related campaigns are developing in the same direction.
Yours sincerely and respectfully,
Yours sincerely and respectfully,
Gerald A. Wrenshall
Gerald A. Wrenshall

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 12:47:26 PM