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Towers, Jesse, December 14, 1946.

Revision as of Apr 27, 2015 3:07:57 PM
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Revision as of Apr 27, 2015 3:08:04 PM
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   I was pleased to get your letter - pleased to know that something was being done on this Problem.   
   I was pleased to get your letter - pleased to know that something was being done on this Problem.   
   Your article "Only then shall we find courage" covers the ground very nicely.   
   Your article "Only then shall we find courage" covers the ground very nicely.   
   What is needed most is Education along the lines of Truth and Justice.  And where the Govt. will not appropriate a million $, after spending 3 Billions to get us into it, then the people themselves will have to do it.  I hereby contribut $5.00 which is all I can do now.  I depend on my daily wages as a worker in Hamilton Standard Propellers.  But I am also contributing a suggestion that I hope your Committee will consider: --
   What is needed most is Education along the lines of Truth and Justice.  And where the Govt. will not appropriate a million $, after spending 3 Billions to get us into it, then the people themselves will have to do it.  I hereby contribute $5.00 which is all I can do now.  I depend on my daily wages as a worker in Hamilton Standard Propellers.  But I am also contributing a suggestion that I hope your Committee will consider: --
   There are a number of "Digests" being printed which the public is digesting to a great extent.  Why not start another; call it, perhaps, "World Brotherhood Digest" with "The whole Truth, and Justice" for its motto.
   There are a number of "Digests" being printed which the public is digesting to a great extent.  Why not start another; call it, perhaps, "World Brotherhood Digest" with "The whole Truth, and Justice" for its motto.

Revision as of Apr 27, 2015 3:08:04 PM