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Stewardson, Mrs. Emlyn, October 31, 1947

Revision as of May 5, 2015 10:07:56 AM
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Revision as of May 5, 2015 10:08:51 AM
edited by
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[illegible] it seems to me that information enclose is not-enough to the American people in [illegible] are all [illegible] people - [illegible] can rarely look at the situation objectively [illegible] what kind of a consequences will naturally follow [illegible] would or actions - their emotions, prejudices are easily [illegible], they act impulsively on those emotions without -being able to look at the object impersonally.  It follows that mere information about as grave danger may route such
[illegible] it seems to me that information enclose is not-enough to the American people in [illegible] are all [illegible] people - [illegible] can rarely look at the situation objectively [illegible] what kind of a consequences will naturally follow [illegible] would or actions - their emotions, prejudices are easily [illegible], they act impulsively on those emotions without -being able to look at the object impersonally.  It follows that mere information about as grave danger may route each

Revision as of May 5, 2015 10:08:51 AM