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Paper from Reiss, R.N., February 25, 1946.


Revision as of May 15, 2015 1:53:57 PM
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Revision as of May 15, 2015 1:54:13 PM
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   The choice is ours. Let us choose the latter. Let us accept the challenge—  for the alternative is certain destruction for all.   
   The choice is ours. Let us choose the latter. Let us accept the challenge—  for the alternative is certain destruction for all.   
The earth will disintegrate if the scientists reach the ultimate goal of atomic research.  Atomic research is now obviously a direct route to the very stuff of which life is made.  Shall we allow our world to be extinguished at a moments glance by the free pursuit of scientists into atomic research?  The very existence of the planet man lives upon is threatened.  It's a dismal forecast if the nuclear physicists reach their ultimate goal.  
  The earth will disintegrate if the scientists reach the ultimate goal of atomic research.  Atomic research is now obviously a direct route to the very stuff of which life is made.  Shall we allow our world to be extinguished at a moments glance by the free pursuit of scientists into atomic research?  The very existence of the planet man lives upon is threatened.  It's a dismal forecast if the nuclear physicists reach their ultimate goal.  
   What can we do?  Shall we limit the pursuits of science?  Close the doors to atomic research entirely?  Shall we take the severest measures to assure
   What can we do?  Shall we limit the pursuits of science?  Close the doors to atomic research entirely?  Shall we take the severest measures to assure

Revision as of May 15, 2015 1:54:13 PM