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Sander, Mrs. F.C., February 14, 1947.

Revision as of Jun 16, 2015 9:41:35 AM
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Revision as of Jun 16, 2015 9:42:03 AM
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Feb. 14, 1947.   
Feb. 14, 1947.   
Albert Einstein, Chairman
Albert Einstein, Chairman
Emergency Com. of Atomic Scientists- Dear sir- I am sending you a copy of a letter our saw wrote from Palawan P.I. and the comments the editor of our town paper, Medford Mail Tribune, wrote in an editorial said editor R.W.Ruhl received the Pulitzer Award in 1934.  He had previously printed two other letters on the atomic bomb. - His comment, "we have given space to two modern prophets recently.  Here is a third -  "The past two days have been days that will be remembered for all time!  The atomic bomb has suddenly changed our entire lives and will influence the future of all man-kind.  It has suddenly made it obvious to everyone that another war is an impossibility if mankind and the world is to continue to exist.  It is no longer possible for us to discuss the merits of world collaboration - it has suddenly become a necessity with no alternative but death and the extinction of the human race.   
Emergency Com. of Atomic Scientists- Dear sir- I am sending you a copy of a letter our saw wrote from Palawan P.I. and the comments the editor of our town paper, Medford Mail Tribune, wrote in an editorial said editor R.W.Ruhl received the Pulitzer Award in 1934.  He had previously printed two other letters on the atomic bomb. - His comment, "we have given space to two modern prophets recently.  Here is a third -  "The past two days have been days that will be remembered for all time!  The atomic bomb has suddenly changed our entire lives and will influence the future of all man-kind.  It has suddenly made it obvious to everyone that another war is an impossibility if mankind and the world is to continue to exist.  It is no longer possible for us to discuss the merits of world collaboration - it has suddenly become a necessity with no alternative but death and the extinction of the human race.   
   Man has never before been faced with such a decision.  He must now immediately decide whether he is going to live with all races of mankind in peace and tranquility and humility or at a moments notice destroy all that man-kind has developed and learned during countless centuries.  Now the entire matter is out of our hands.  We have one simple decision to make, and there is only one decision that can be made.  All previous differences that nations and
   Man has never before been faced with such a decision.  He must now immediately decide whether he is going to live with all races of mankind in peace and tranquility and humility or at a moments notice destroy all that man-kind has developed and learned during countless centuries.  Now the entire matter is out of our hands.  We have one simple decision to make, and there is only one decision that can be made.  All previous differences that nations and

Revision as of Jun 16, 2015 9:42:03 AM