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Rodder, Mrs. A. L.

Revision as of Apr 28, 2015 5:31:10 PM
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Revision as of Apr 28, 2015 5:49:43 PM
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March 26, 1947. Mr. Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Room 28, 90 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. $10.00 (illegible) Dear Mr. Einstein: Mr. Leland Stowe, in addressing a Town hall audience here today, referred us to your organization from which we may expect to receive information regarding a group discussion of Atomic Control. As President of the Fresno League of Women Voters, may I ask that you send whatever material is avilable to promote an intelligent discussion of the subject. Unless I am mistaken, Mr. Stowe referred to a kit which your organization has prepared for the enlightenment of the general public. I am enclosing my personal check for $10.00 as a small contribution toward your splendid work. Thanking you, I am Very cordially Frances (illegible) Rodder Mrs. A. L. Rodder,  President Fresno League of Women Voters. (illegible)
March 26, 1947. Mr. Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Room 28, 90 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. $10.00 (illegible) Dear Mr. Einstein: Mr. Leland Stowe, in addressing a Town hall audience here today, referred us to your organization from which we may expect to receive information regarding a group discussion of Atomic Control. As President of the Fresno League of Women Voters, may I ask that you send whatever material is avilable to promote an intelligent discussion of the subject. Unless I am mistaken, Mr. Stowe referred to a kit which your organization has prepared for the enlightenment of the general public. I am enclosing my personal check for $10.00 as a small contribution toward your splendid work. Thanking you, I am Very cordially Frances (illegible) Rodder Mrs. A. L. Rodder,  President Fresno League of Women Voters. (illegible) DEMOCRACY DOES WORK --- IF YOU WORK

Revision as of Apr 28, 2015 5:49:43 PM