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Myers, Rollin G., November 30, 1947

Revision as of Jun 22, 2015 11:38:21 AM
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Revision as of Jun 22, 2015 11:50:01 AM
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  get over our baiting habit. It seems tgAst the fact that Russia 1)4 Aiea the brunt of the German attack and lost incidentally about 25 million of her nationals means nothing to the press. Is it any wonder that the Russian representatives of the U.N.O. run at the mouth and go off the handle ! As to the Communist menace most of that talk and propaganda is nonsemse. It was the same after World War I. No doubt if our influential citizens want a war, they will get it. Many people have said to me,"you know money is made ott of wars". The second point is that the masses of the people after every war have a decided let down. Thedlar and the excitement-4s c over. People want to talk and thaink of more pleasant things. The ato mic bomb news while it lasted was played up in the usual sensational way to make big sales of the papers. The verage reader gets fed up with the whole thing and actually begins to doubt that there is so much danger after all. An electNical engineer friend of mine in San Francisco a few weeks agrtriat many of the people he met thought that ke4 there was a lot of nonsense about the atomic bomb. Most of the average people are not interested in science. Their main worry now is 1.0 make their low incomes meet the higher living cost. Since many have children the problem is a difficult one. The general philosophy seems to be that wars are like tidal waves or volcanoes, "acts of God". No doubt many people think like Sagitarrius of the New Guardian and Nation-"We head for demolition With lightning expedition, Prepared or Unprepared, All ends in nuclear fission, Emc2
  get over our baiting habit. It seems the fact that Russia before the brunt of the German attack and lost incidentally about 25 million of her nationals means nothing to the press.   Is it any wonder that the Russian representatives of the U.N.O. run at the mouth and go off the handle!   As to the Communist menace most of that talk and propaganda is nonsense.   It was the same after World War I. No doubt if our influential citizens want a war, they will get it.   Many people have said to me,"you know money is made out of wars".
These I think are the "Higher Realities" t at the Committee will be forced to consider if they get anywhere in inhibiting the war fever. Most of the Protestant churches are against war with Russia but the Vatican appears to be in favor of it. If scientists could enlist organized labor in the war against war I believe the results would be promising. That move appears to be out,Oecause most of our inflential executives are against organized labor, and to them unionism is anathema. My views may not mean so much, but I have taken it on myself to Five them.  
I would be pleased to receive the later bulletins of the N.C.S. I was a member of the Berkeley organization, but the last bulletin I received was No. 10 -ab out a year ago. Appreciating your letter,  
    The second point is that the masses of the people after every war have a decided let down.   The war and the excitement all over.   People want to talk and thaink of more pleasant things. The atomic bomb news while it lasted was played up in the usual sensational way to make big sales of the papers. The average reader gets fed up with the whole thing and actually begins to doubt that there is so much danger after all. An electrical engineer friend of mine in San Francisco a few weeks ago said that many of the people he met thought that there was a lot of nonsense about the atomic bomb.   Most of the average people are not interested in science.   Their main worry now is to make their low incomes meet the higher living cost.   Since many have children the problem is a difficult one. The general philosophy seems to be that wars are like tidal waves or volcanoes, "acts of God".   No doubt many people think like Sagitarrius of the New Guardian and Nation-  
Sincerely yours  
      "We head for demolition  
With lightning expedition,  
    Prepared or Unprepared,  
All ends in nuclear fission,  
  These I think are the "Higher Realities" that the Committee will be forced to consider if they get anywhere in inhibiting the war fever.   Most of the Protestant churches are against war with Russia but the Vatican appears to be in favor of it.   If scientists could enlist organized labor in the war against war I believe the results would be promising. That move appears to be out, because most of our inflential executives are against organized labor, and to them unionism is anathema.   My views may not mean so much, but I have taken it on myself to give them.  
  I would be pleased to receive the later bulletins of the N.C.S.   I was a member of the Berkeley organization, but the last bulletin I received was No. 10 -ab out a year ago. Appreciating your letter,  
    Sincerely yours  
      Rollin G. Myers
Rollin G. Myers
Rollin G. Myers

Revision as of Jun 22, 2015 11:50:01 AM