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Medlin, William J., No Date.

Revision as of Sep 14, 2014 5:32:39 AM
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Revision as of Sep 14, 2014 5:34:03 AM
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Inclosed is a check for 5.00, not much but if enough folks who are sincerely interested in a real workable peace will contribute small amounts, lets say a million, it would help greatly to take constructice steps in that direction......
Inclosed is a check for 5.00, not much but if enough folks who are sincerely interested in a real workable peace will contribute small amounts, lets say a million, it would help greatly to take constructice steps in that direction......
<li>*The writer is an artist, creative layout man and has been working with national manufacturers for 28 years on sales and advertising problems....... I also paint landscapes and still life subjects which are reasonably successful, but anything that can be called a real contribution is hard work and sometimes a happy accident.......</li>
<li>The writer is an artist, creative layout man and has been working with national manufacturers for 28 years on sales and advertising problems....... I also paint landscapes and still life subjects which are reasonably successful, but anything that can be called a real contribution is hard work and sometimes a happy accident.......</li>
<li>*My purpose in telling you this is to make my services available to the organization, part time for the execution of any layout, or art work or a painting that might assist ina small way"to aquaint people with your work" without charge................</li></ul>
<li>My purpose in telling you this is to make my services available to the organization, part time for the execution of any layout, or art work or a painting that might assist ina small way"to aquaint people with your work" without charge................</li></ul>
Most folks who are on the surface "all for a Lasting peace" seem to have plenty of time for other things and money for amusement, but do nothing to help bring about a lasting peace by actual acts of work...
Most folks who are on the surface "all for a Lasting peace" seem to have plenty of time for other things and money for amusement, but do nothing to help bring about a lasting peace by actual acts of work...
<li>*If we are to have a lasting peace we must all work for it---harder than those groups who put their whole time into the business of force.-----I want to help..</li>
<li>If we are to have a lasting peace we must all work for it---harder than those groups who put their whole time into the business of force.-----I want to help..</li></ul>
<li>*Practically all Creative minds with whom I have worked over a period of years in the advertising, art and scientific fields are of one accord in saying" Surely if our intelligent minds can be applied con-structively to arrive at practical results in many other fields, it should be possible to organize such creative minds-all over the world-with this country leading to "work" for a lasting peace...............</li></ul>
<ul><li>Practically all Creative minds with whom I have worked over a period of years in the advertising, art and scientific fields are of one accord in saying" Surely if our intelligent minds can be applied con-structively to arrive at practical results in many other fields, it should be possible to organize such creative minds-all over the world-with this country leading to "work" for a lasting peace...............</li></ul>

Revision as of Sep 14, 2014 5:34:03 AM