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Maffitt, M'Kean, October 8, 1948.

Revision as of Oct 30, 2014 8:29:52 AM
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Revision as of Oct 30, 2014 8:36:15 AM
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I do not know how best to help in your work of education, but I do the best I can.
I am inclosing a paper which I prepared from your information and presented before the Wilmington Engineer's Club and the Wilmington Lions Club- giving each memeber present who desired one, a copy of the article by Norman Cousins. Attached is a news paper clipping from the Wimington Morning Star of Oct. 7th. 48- It is not so hot, but still it is better than nothing.
The members of The Engineer's Club were very attentive and seemingly quite interested. Every memeber asking for a copy of Cousin's article. The members of the Lions Club were not so interested, only some 40 of them being interested enough to ask for copies of the article.
If I can be of any assistance in the future, please call on me and I will do all that I can. Being on a small pension I can not make much of a cash contribution, but I can help in some ways I know.
M'Kean Maffitt.
119 Bryan Ave.
Wilmington, N. C.

Revision as of Oct 30, 2014 8:36:15 AM