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Lanchman, Rabbi Solomon, Temple Isaiah of Kew Gardens, April 21, 1948.


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Revision as of May 9, 2016 4:13:33 PM
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Temple Isaiah of Kew Gardens
Temple Isaiah of Kew Gardens
V.B     Secretary
VB.      Secretary

Revision as of May 9, 2016 4:13:33 PM

Temple Isaiah of Kew Gardens 8301 . 116th Street Kew Gardens, Long Island, New York

Solomon Landman, Rabbi April 21, 1948.

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N.J.

Gentlemen: -

Attached herewith is a contribution of $3.00 toward your cause.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this contribution, addressing your acknowledgment to:

Mr Bertrand Seidman Room 905- 112 E. 19th St. N.Y.C.

Thank you.

Very truly yours, Temple Isaiah of Kew Gardens

VB. Secretary