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Leahy, J. Gordon, February 24, 1947.

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Revision as of Jun 1, 2015 4:30:32 PM
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Ref - to A.L.O. Code receipt Per 1617 West Third St., Brookyln, 23, New York February 24, 1947. Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey. Gentlemen: Attn. Dr. Harold C. Urey Some time ago I promised to solicit contributions for your work from my personal friends. I take pleasure in enclosing herewith a check for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) from Lillian Stanley, of 1675 West Seventh Street, Brooklyn, New York. Will you please send an acknowledgment to Mrs. Stanley as soon as you can reasonably do so? If there are any contribution forms drawn up and ready for distribution kindly send some to me. The kind I have need of would be ones with lines for individual names, addresses, and amounts of donations; as I believe I can collect more in quarters than in ten-dollar bills. If you decide to print any such forms you had better give serious thought to some means of control, so that unscrupulous people do not collect in your name and fail to forward the proceeds to you. Sorry I can't think of a way of safeguarding against this as the moment: perhaps collectors should be mad to post bonds. Don't forget to send a receipt to Mrs. Stanley! --ok - g- 25 [illegible] 26, She has, at my suggestion, urged many friends to write to the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy in favor of the proposed appointment to the Chairmanship of David Lilienthal. Respectfully yours, J. Gordon Leahy Encl.: $25check. J. Gordon Leahy send slips.
Ref - to A.L.O. Code receipt Per
1617 West Third St., Brookyln, 23, New York February 24, 1947.
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey.
Gentlemen: Attn. Dr. Harold C. Urey  
  Some time ago I promised to solicit contributions for your work from my personal friends. I take pleasure in enclosing herewith a check for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) from Lillian Stanley, of 1675 West Seventh Street, Brooklyn, New York.  
  Will you please send an acknowledgment to Mrs. Stanley as soon as you can reasonably do so? If there are any contribution forms drawn up and ready for distribution kindly send some to me. The kind I have need of would be ones with lines for individual names, addresses, and amounts of donations; as I believe I can collect more in quarters than in ten-dollar bills. If you decide to print any such forms you had better give serious thought to some means of control, so that unscrupulous people do not collect in your name and fail to forward the proceeds to you. Sorry I can't think of a way of safeguarding against this as the moment: perhaps collectors should be mad to post bonds.  
  Don't forget to send a receipt to Mrs. Stanley! She has, at my suggestion, urged many friends to write to the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy in favor of the proposed appointment to the Chairmanship of David Lilienthal.  
    Respectfully yours,
          J. Gordon Leahy  
Encl.: $25check.  
send slips.

Revision as of Jun 1, 2015 4:30:32 PM

Ref - to A.L.O. Code receipt Per

1617 West Third St., Brookyln, 23, New York February 24, 1947.
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey.
Gentlemen: Attn. Dr. Harold C. Urey 
  Some time ago I promised to solicit contributions for your work from my personal friends. I take pleasure in enclosing herewith a check for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) from Lillian Stanley, of 1675 West Seventh Street, Brooklyn, New York. 
  Will you please send an acknowledgment to Mrs. Stanley as soon as you can reasonably do so? If there are any contribution forms drawn up and ready for distribution kindly send some to me. The kind I have need of would be ones with lines for individual names, addresses, and amounts of donations; as I believe I can collect more in quarters than in ten-dollar bills. If you decide to print any such forms you had better give serious thought to some means of control, so that unscrupulous people do not collect in your name and fail to forward the proceeds to you. Sorry I can't think of a way of safeguarding against this as the moment: perhaps collectors should be mad to post bonds. 
  Don't forget to send a receipt to Mrs. Stanley! She has, at my suggestion, urged many friends to write to the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy in favor of the proposed appointment to the Chairmanship of David Lilienthal. 
    Respectfully yours,
          J. Gordon Leahy 

Encl.: $25check.

send slips.