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Keck, Andrew S., June 4, 1946.

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Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 4:45:48 PM
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In response to your telegram of 25 May, I am enclosing a personal check as my contribution to the fund with which the Atomic Scientists will implement the educational campaign of the National Committee of Atomic Information of Washington D.C.
In response to your telegram of 25 May, I am enclosing a personal check as my contribution to the fund with which the Atomic Scientists will implement the educational campaign of the National Committee of Atomic Information of Washington D.C.
I sincerely hope that the campaign will be successful and that the people and their leaders will adopt the new type of thinking you speak of in your telegram. It was heartening to read this week that the Senate had unanimously passed the M Mahon Bill, and I trust your efforts will convince the House of Representatives that the people want national [illegible] control of atomic energy. A national [illegible] could be the basis on which this country could advocate a sound international control.
I sincerely hope that the campaign will be successful and that the people and their leaders will adopt the new type of thinking you speak of in your telegram. It was heartening to read this week that the Senate had unanimously passed the McMahon Bill, and I trust your efforts will convince the House of Representatives that the people want national civilian control of atomic energy. A national law could be the basis on which this country could advocate a sound international control.
Sincerely yours,
Sincerely yours,
Andrew S. Keck
Andrew S. Keck

Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 4:45:48 PM