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Havice, Charles W., March 26, 1947.

Revision as of May 25, 2015 6:34:27 AM
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Revision as of May 25, 2015 6:34:39 AM
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Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc.
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc.
90 Nassau Street
90 Nassau Street
Princeton, New Jersy:
Princeton, New Jersey:
Dear Mr. Einstein:
Dear Mr. Einstein:

Revision as of May 25, 2015 6:34:39 AM

Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc. 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey:

Dear Mr. Einstein:

I am enclosing check for $5.00 as a contribution from the Northeastern Student Union to the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists.

Will you kindly send me five hundred copies of the pamphlet entitled "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"?

Sincerely yours, Charles W. Havice