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Haeussler, Armin, March 22, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 30, 2014 9:21:50 AM
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Revision as of Oct 30, 2014 9:22:12 AM
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Your article on the atomic bomb recently sent to the clergy is a masterpiece of logic. After using part of it in a recent sermon I sent it on to my son John at Mercersburg Academy where it aroused the excited at-tention of man boys there. You are undoubtedly right in contending that there is no defense against the most terrifying and destructive device ever invented by man. Your proposal of re-eductating mankind along the moral and spirtual lines with the emphasis on global perspectives and the abolition of international feudalism deserves the unstinting support of the Church.
Your article on the atomic bomb recently sent to the clergy is a masterpiece of logic. After using part of it in a recent sermon I sent it on to my son John at Mercersburg Academy where it aroused the excited at-tention of man boys there. You are undoubtedly right in contending that there is no defense against the most terrifying and destructive device ever invented by man. Your proposal of re-eductating mankind along the moral and spirtual lines with the emphasis on global perspectives and the abolition of international feudalism deserves the unstinting support of the Church.
Such support must, of course, be tangible and material; idealism always antedatesthe practical. I am, therefore, glad to join the ranks of ministers who will do what they can to further the objectives of your Emergency Committee. Soon after my sermon th members of the Ladies' Aid Society of my church voted to send your committee $50.00 out of its treasury and yesterday I was informed by the treasurer, Mrs. Gurley Brown, that the money had been remitted.
Such support must, of course, be tangible and material; idealism always antedatesthe practical. I am, therefore, glad to join the ranks of ministers who will do what they can to further the objectives of your Emergency Committee. Soon after my sermon th members of the Ladies' Aid Society of my church voted to send your committee $50.00 out of its treasury and yesterday I was informed by the treasurer, Mrs. Gurley Brown, that the money had been remitted.
I am herewith enclosing another check for $7.00; of this amount, $5.00 is from Miss Margaret Boeke, Standard Oil Co., Evansville, Ind., while $2.00 is from me. This makes a total of $57.00 thus far from my church. We hope to send more later on.
I am herewith enclosing another check for $7.00; of this amount, $5.00 is from Miss Margaret Boeke, Standard Oil Co., Evansville, Ind., while $2.00 is from me. This makes a total of $57.00 thus far from my church. We hope to send more later on.
Since you are a very busy man, I do not expect a reply from you; all I want you to know is that your proposal has deeply impressed and moved us in the Christian Church and that we shall do what we can to help you and your fellow-scientists in your colossal task. May God's bles-sings attend your efforts!  
Since you are a very busy man, I do not expect a reply from you; all I want you to know is that your proposal has deeply impressed and moved us in the Christian Church and that we shall do what we can to help you and your fellow-scientists in your colossal task. May God's bles-sings attend your efforts!  
Sincerely yours,  
Sincerely yours,  
Armin Haeussler
Armin Haeussler

Revision as of Oct 30, 2014 9:22:12 AM