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Bolton, Mrs. Dorothy G., January 3, 1948.


Revision as of Dec 17, 2016 2:48:38 AM
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Revision as of Dec 17, 2016 2:51:11 AM
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did not have the Veto!!!  It seems incredible that our Statesmen did not foresee what that would do at the time, and I wonder if anything can be accomplished at all until we get rid of that.
did not have the Veto!!!  It seems incredible that our Statesmen did not foresee what that would do at the time, and I wonder if anything can be accomplished at all until we get rid of that.
Now I want to tell you that it is wonderful to me to be seeing a whole new world, through Mr Hecht's book.  I am understanding a little more every time I read it.  I am like the ant who sees me walk through the garden (I was going to say my garden but it is also his garden).  He must see me, and know there is a vast life going on outside, but near him?  So do I marvel at the life, the energy, the great world in and around me that I cannot see, that I didn't know anything about until you sent me the book.
Now I want to tell you that it is wonderful to me to be seeing a whole new world, through Mr Hecht's book.  I am understanding a little more every time I read it.  I am like the ant who sees me walk through the garden (I was going to say my garden, but it is also his garden).  He must see me, and know there is a vast life going on outside, but near him?  So do I marvel at the life, the energy, the great world in and around me that I cannot see, that I didn't know anything about until you sent me the book.
I thank you very much.  I hope you had a happy Christmas- that we will all be here for another, and for a Happy New Year too.
I thank you very much.  I hope you had a happy Christmas- that we will all be here for another, and for a Happy New Year too.

Revision as of Dec 17, 2016 2:51:11 AM