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Blackwood, H.L., June 15, 1948


Revision as of Dec 18, 2016 11:58:53 AM
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Revision as of Dec 18, 2016 12:02:49 PM
edited by
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402 Riker Bldg
402 Riker Bldg
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Each day I write personal letters to men in leading positions around this county.  Each one of the "Policy for Survival" sheets will be put into the hands of men who will read it.  I am acquainted with many of the industrial leaders here.  The Pontiac Daily Press gave your article some good publicity on their editorial page.  I interested the publisher.  This paper has a circulation in the county of about 45,000.
Each day I write personal letters to men in leading positions around this county.  Each one of the "Policy for Survival" sheets will be put into the hands of men who will read it.  I am acquainted with many of the industrial leaders here.  The Pontiac Daily Press gave your article some good publicity on their editorial page.  I interested the publisher.  This paper has a circulation in the county of about 45,000.
I have no idea whether or not you hve received any money from anyone around here, but I intend to keep on working in my small way for nay constructive efforst to end war  This one problems is uppermost in my mind.  None of the materials you have furnished will be unused.
I have no idea whether or not you have received any money from anyone around here, but I intend to keep on working in my small way for any constructive effort to end war. This one problem is uppermost in my mind.  None of the materials you have furnished will be unused.
A twin brother of mine was killed in World War 1.  In the last war, I sevred thru-out same on a draft board and had a pilot son in the air corps.  If there is any infinitesimal contribution I can make toward this all-important goal of ending war, there is nothing in life I would rather work for.  Whether such a goal can ever be reached, I do not know.  I have read the best writings of the centuries and do not know whether war can be ended.  If it is not, though, where will we be?  It looks like it MUST be ended, in someway.
A twin brother of mine was killed in World War 1.  In the last war, I sevred thru-out same on a draft board and had a pilot son in the air corps.  If there is any infinitesimal contribution I can make toward this all-important goal of ending war, there is nothing in life I would rather work for.  Whether such a goal can ever be reached, I do not know.  I have read the best writings of the centuries and do not know whether war can be ended.  If it is not, though, where will we be?  It looks like it MUST be ended, in someway.

Revision as of Dec 18, 2016 12:02:49 PM