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Blair, Lawrence E., November 12, 1947

Revision as of Dec 12, 2016 11:09:05 AM
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Revision as of Dec 12, 2016 11:09:28 AM
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Dear Sirs;-
Dear Sirs;-
Some time ago I made a small contribution to your fund and just prior to it, I recieved a letter and literature among which was an excellent plea and statement by Dr. Einstein.  I have mislaid or given away my copy.  I should be very grateful if I may have another copy.  I am enclosing postage for mailing.
Some time ago I made a small contribution to your fund and just prior to it, I recieved a letter and literature among which was an excellent plea and statement by Dr. Einstein.  I have mislaid or given away my copy.  I should be very grateful if I may have another copy.  I am enclosing postage for mailing.
At the same time, I would be pleased to have you send the same letter an literature as was used in this campaign for funds, to the following;-
At the same time, I would be pleased to have you send the same letter an literature as was used in this campaign for funds, to the following;-
Mrs. Dr. McElhaney,
Mrs. Dr. McElhaney,
512 W. 29th St.,
512 W. 29th St.,
Erie, Pa.
Erie, Pa.
My name may be used if you wish.  I thanks you and am
My name may be used if you wish.  I thanks you and am
Sincerely Yours,
Sincerely Yours,
Lawrence E. Blair
Lawrence E. Blair

Revision as of Dec 12, 2016 11:09:28 AM