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Bingham, Millicent, March 22, 1948

Revision as of Nov 5, 2014 6:01:54 PM
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Revision as of Nov 5, 2014 6:02:19 PM
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Also, even in Harvard where the celebrated President Elliot would not speak to Miinsterberg, on the outbreak of World War I -- & long before we got in that war -- there is now -- or at Mass. inst. of technology -- not quite, indeed, the same thing -- a Dr. Hauser, [?] in Vienna who claims faith is essential & defines it as belief in a higher moral code & an attempt to put it there. That is all very well, but where he goes further & says churches & shrines are the main forces to put it there. I do not agree with him. Perhaps he means organization is necessary. That may be, but labor unions are also organizations.
Also, even in Harvard where the celebrated President Elliot would not speak to Miinsterberg, on the outbreak of World War I -- & long before we got in that war -- there is now -- or at Mass. inst. of technology -- not quite, indeed, the same thing -- a Dr. Hauser, [illegible] in Vienna who claims faith is essential & defines it as belief in a higher moral code & an attempt to put it there. That is all very well, but where he goes further & says churches & shrines are the main forces to put it there. I do not agree with him. Perhaps he means organization is necessary. That may be, but labor unions are also organizations.
As for me, I live by philsophy -- which
As for me, I live by philsophy -- which

Revision as of Nov 5, 2014 6:02:19 PM