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Anderson, Guy, September 13, 1947.

Revision as of Jun 5, 2014 1:48:42 PM
created by Anne Bahde
Revision as of Sep 25, 2014 12:13:44 PM
edited by
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September 13, 1947
September 13, 1947
Dear Mr. Einstein -  
Dear Mr. Einstein -  
We have just read from the document "The Lane Hour Before Midnight" powerful moving statements, - statements of greatest human significance. In trying to comprehend the situation, as so many of us have since long before the last war and have been unsuccessfully active, we are reused once again!
We have just read from the document "The Last Hour Before Midnight" powerful moving statements, - statements of greatest human significance. In trying to comprehend the situation, as so many of us have since long before the last war and have been unsuccessfully active, we are roused once again!
Your approach for a higher realism must reach all ears immediately. It should be read every day on every network and opening to every function
Your appeal for a higher realism must reach all ears immediately. It should be read every day on every network and opening to every function.
We send a list of names of people who we think will become active in the right direction. Our donation is pitiably small because of inadequate incomes.
We send a list of names of people who we think will become active in the right direction. Our donation is pitiably small because of inadequate incomes.

Revision as of Sep 25, 2014 12:13:44 PM