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Gibson, T.M., March 7, 1947.

Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 4:26:30 PM
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Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 4:27:52 PM
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The enclosed Ten Dollar contribution to your Fund is my "widows mile" to a great cause. I am deeply concerned with the work you are doing, but, unfortunately, I am unable to contribute much to carry it - on. I am 79 years old, and for ten years, have had to walk on crutches. You will [illegible] that the dire consequences of failure of our leaders to follow are intelligent course, cannot mean much to me personally, nevertheless, I am convinced that the world is confronted by the greatest-danger in its history, and if I had a million, I would gladly give it all, if needed to aid in arousing people to a full sense of the realities. I am doing all I can in my community, to stir up interest in the idea of "One World or None", I wish your Committee every possible success and considering its roster of names, I am sure it cannot fail.  
The enclosed Ten Dollar contribution to your Fund is my "widows mile" to a great cause. I am deeply concerned with the work you are doing, but, unfortunately, I am unable to contribute much to carry it - on. I am 79 years old, and for ten years, have had to walk on crutches. You will perceive that the dire consequences of failure of our leaders to follow are intelligent course, cannot mean much to me personally, nevertheless, I am convinced that the world is confronted by the greatest-danger in its history, and if I had a million, I would gladly give it all, if needed to aid in arousing people to a full sense of the realities. I am doing all I can in my community, to stir up interest in the idea of "One World or None", I wish your Committee every possible success and considering its roster of names, I am sure it cannot fail.  
I am, with Great Respect - Faithfully Yours
I am, with Great Respect - Faithfully Yours
T.M. Gibson
T.M. Gibson
1941 Trosion Ave.
1941 Trosion Ave.
Los Angeles Cal.
Los Angeles Cal.

Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 4:27:52 PM