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Aletha Chavis Oral History Interview (2 of 2)

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Aletha Chavis Oral History Interview (2 of 2)


Aletha Chavis opens her second interview by recounting her early life and childhood, particularly focusing on the houses and neighborhoods she lived in, the schools she went to, and her experience growing up poor. She then talks about how her mother came to Portland, Oregon from Barbados. Chavis then goes on to talk about her experiences in grade school, including her parents' high expectations of her, her friendships, and the racism she faced in school. She then jumps forward to talk about when she came back to Portland after leaving her husband and discusses how she bought the house next door to her mom. Chavis then recalls her experiences teaching in Portland, including race relations in schools and her approach to discipline in the classroom. She then discusses her time on an advisory committee that taught teachers and schools how to improve educational outcomes for Black students. She goes on to talk about getting her Master's degree in Administration from the University of Portland, and how that led to her becoming Vice Principal at Grant High School. She remembers her time at Grant, particularly its problems with racism.

Chavis then goes on to describe in detail the circumstances that led her to join the school district’s central administration in the personnel department, and how she was promoted to Director of the department after only one year. She particularly recounts her feelings knowing she was a “diversity hire”, and the struggle she faced earning the respect of her employees. She then talks about her life in retirement and the activities she has pursued since retiring, particularly her volunteer work for the Oregon Convention Center and the Portland Tourism Department. She then recounts her family life in Portland and her experience raising three kids as a single mom with the support of her own mother. Chavis ends the interview by talking about her love of dancing and how she found a passion for barbershop choir in her retirement.

Aletha Chavis was born in Portland, Oregon in 1931. She grew up in Portland alongside her two brothers. Much of Chavis' working life was spent as a teacher, at one point serving on an advisory committee that worked with teachers and schools throughout Portland to improve educational outcomes for Black students. In 1974, she completed her Master's degree in Administration from the University of Portland, which enabled her to become the Vice Principal of Grant High School, where she worked for nine years. Chavis was then invited by the superintendent of her school district to join the personnel department in the central office, which she did for one year before being promoted to director of the department. After nine years in this role, she retired in 1989. In her retirement, Chavis volunteered for the Oregon Visitor Information Center for 20 years, and also worked as a tour guide for the Portland Tourism Department.


Aletha Chavis


Oregon Black Pioneers Oral History Collection (OH 42)


Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries


May 22, 2019


Ruth Kornberg


Born Digital Video




Oral History



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Ruth Kornberg


Aletha Chavis


Chavis residence, Portland, Oregon

Original Format

Born Digital Video



OHMS Object

Interview Format


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