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A group gathered for cattle judging in Myrtle Point, circa 1918.

Cliff Conrad of Imbler, Oregon (Union County) with champion cattle herd at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland, 1931.

Rex Warren, County Agent; Frank Brown, Harry Lindgren, Extension Animal Husbandman; Ben Rodenwold, Beef management professor.

Woman and Cow


Wallow County Livestock Club member with his cow.

Tillamook Guernsey calf club on their way to the Guernsey Gaitie, Tillamook County.

Oregon Guernsey Gaieties, Chautauqua Park, Clackamas County, June 7-8, 1923.

Ivan H. Loughring showing a cow during train demonstration, Redmond, Deschutes County, Oregon.

Man sits atop his cow drawn cart, ca 1910s.

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A crowd gathered to listen to a demonstration by extension agents on the Oregon dairy demonstration train, ca 1929-1930.