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Expresses gratitude for receiving Dr. Hecht's book; shares how impressed she was after seeing Dr. Hecht speak; sends a copy of the book her husband wrote

Thanks for letter and copy of Hiroshima article; acknowledgement of Einstein's work

Expresses concern from 26 letter signers regarding implications of Urey's suggestion to start a war to "prevent other nations from developing and using atomic weapons"

Offers recommendations for dealing with the political implications of the Soviet Union's positions on atomic weapons, UN Military Staff Committee and "rule of unanimity"

Inquires if it is possible to obtain the back copies of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; donation

Donation; requests literature

Donation; states they will pass the forms onto someone else

States she is not able to donate much; wishes ECAS luck in educating people

Donation; shares how her work with the Theosophical Order of Service keeps her in touch with the world; requests to be put on mailing list

Apologizes for delay in reply; donation; explains that it couldn't be more due to the financial choas of 1929; includes list of names and addresses