Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a cell used for making sodium and chlorine by electrolysis of fused sodium chloride as published in College Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a simple electric cell that transforms the energy from a chemical reaction into electrical energy as published in General Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of an energy level diagram of electron shells and subshells of the elements as published in General Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the preparation of chlorine, potassium chlorate and sodium hypochlorite as published in General Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the manufacture of ice with ammonia as the refrigerant as published in General Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the removal of ions from water by use of giant molecules with attached acidic and basic groups as published in General Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a semi-analytical balance and the formation of a sulfide of copper with the evaporation and ignition of excess sulfur as published in Essentials of Chemistry in the Laboratory, by Harper Frantz and Lloyd…