Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a Wilson cloud chamber made from two peanut-butter jars as published in The Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist, by C. L. Stong.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a particle with an isotropic elastic constraint and a fixed anchor point as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the arrangement of an apparatus to measure c by a Kerr cell method as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of three bar test charts on static and dynamic scanning with a fiber bundle as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.
Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a zone plate, in which each black ring has the same area as the central spot, as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.