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Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a Wilson cloud chamber made from two peanut-butter jars as published in The Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist, by C. L. Stong.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a compensator plate as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a particle with an isotropic elastic constraint and a fixed anchor point as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the arrangement of an apparatus to measure c by a Kerr cell method as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of three bar test charts on static and dynamic scanning with a fiber bundle as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a zone plate, in which each black ring has the same area as the central spot, as published in Concepts of Classical Optics, by John Strong.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of a by-product coke oven as published in College Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the Kodachrome process of color photography as published in College Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of preparing nitric acid in the laboratory as published in College Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.

Reproduced illustration by Roger Hayward of the periodic table as published in College Chemistry, by Linus Pauling.