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Both organizations were service honorary societies for sophomores – Talons for women and Thanes for men. The organizations were created in the 1930s (Talons 1933, Thanes 1937) from previously established groups. Their original focus was to ensure…

Rush week -- women participate in activities at a sorority party.

Rush week -- Jean Saubert (plaid skirt) and other OSC women wait in line to visit a sorority

Members of Pierian (women) and Jeffersonian (men) literary societies gathered for this picnic at the end of the 1909-10 school year. Although membership in the societies was segregated by gender, they conducted occasional joint meetings and social…

Standing at far right is Clara Waldo, former Oregon State Regent and the woman after whom Waldo Hall is named. At far left in white hat and glasses is Kate Jameson, Dean of Women from 1924-1941. She established Mothers Day at OAC in 1924. Identified…

Pictured at left is Jeanne Hetherington. Jeanne Hetherington (1921-1995) attended OSC from 1940-1941 before transferring to the University of Washington. She later moved to Hollywood where, using the name Jean Heather, she was a feature performer in…