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Donation, with question if scientists will again put their talents at the disposal of their governments; asks if an international meeting of scientists can be organized

Donation; regrets it could not be more; states he admires Einstein's work and is humbled to be part of it

Donation; encloses "Letter Which Took 50 Years to Write"; shares the standpoint of the local community and how important it is to educate the people

Donation; states ECAS can call on him for help; expresses great sense of obligation to Einstein for inspiring him to be more socially useful

Donation; expresses respect and support; inquires when he can be of more service

Expresses support in the campaign of atomic education; donation; gives a name of his friend who would be interested in the campaign

Expresses support in the campaign of atomic education; donation; gives a name of his friend who would be interested in the campaign

Donation; includes copy of paragraph from man he wrote to regarding the campaign

States she was inspired to donate from a recent radio talk by Dr. Posin; donation

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